
Sunday, 9 May 2010

The end of an era of creaming it out

I haven't updated for a while so this is several lectures worth, enjoy!
you can't satisfy them all at the same's just not possible
with a 4 " by 2 ", it's just too small! you can get problems
when we're doing it from a practical point of view, we need to stop any errors that might.....grow
sorry, I was too busy looking at you and not the board
I wanted to sort of...sow that seed in your mind
I'm going to turn you on.............(to a page). We'll get there eventually
And I will be coming too soon
This is coming out DIRECTLY at you
Do you know anyone who wants one? Any friends or so?
And what I would do in such a session would be in receive mode...
it doesn't do anything until you start doing things with IT
it's not a dirty trick, just sleight of hand
can I pop in a second?
ring a bell in your brain (dong in your head)
yes, we'll be going in to it, yes, there will be ramifications!
And finally,the curtain call...and he goes out with a ruddy bang
I was pinged by a colleague
if you want anything, send me an email and I'll do it
BEWARE the wolf in the cupboard
a bottom entry (of one)
*in the voice of a young girl* okay, I've got the biggest one, I've got the smallest one, what about the others?
bottom entry....once......twice....three times.....four times.....five times.....and after 24 iterations....they say 'oh it's magical' and it IS RUDDY magical
doing it again and again and again, n times
creaming it out..creaming it out
This chap's going to get very small and shrivelled up
doing it again and again, going to get rid of this bastard if you keep up the killing process
do you see what I'm getting at? Have I conveyed something to you?
Yes, we do see what you're getting at. Thank you, MDJ :)

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