
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

A Trip to Hogwurts

..and it would go....WSCHOOSH (mimes something originating from his nether regions and spraying all over the students) and go wanging away from there....'s always got to be consistently coming in...
I have another set of students...I take them on a Monday and Wednesday
Hogwurts...that's what it's called? I was always amused by Platform 9 1/2, the only way to solve it was to RAM the trolley into the pillar....there are better ways to do things
sorry to jump on you there!
sometimes you've got to have one top + bottom
...absolutely, you've hit it on the HEAD
I've got a couple of boxes in my office I can't quite reach...I need a couple of...boys to help me
ADDED: having had one hernia, I don't want another!

Thursday, 11 March 2010

It all starts in a dark lock up, somewhere in Wales...

Shall we start with a story? It's always nice to start with a all begins in a dark lock-up somewhere in Wales....a father and son stripping down....taking off all its pieces..plenty of tiny little rings..."Hello boys, would you like a warm drink of ....whatever?"
come together...WHOOOSH...back into some hole
..don't worry, I'll try and reveal all by the end of the lecture
...never met it before, you're thinking, 'not in the way he's done it.....'
I'll split you in half...if you need anything just pipe up...okay, HAVE I SATISFIED YOU?
quite kinky.......I was talking to a nurse the other day's smooth, pretty smooth, pretty okay, doesn't do anything nasty to you....
a smooth, dome-like curve, like a beautiful Welsh hill...

8dp...that's pretty good, isn't it?

pretty good....8dp!
that's pretty good, isn't's coming in really fast
..and you're sliding in quite nicely
you can take it from t'other side
it does wang in very fast

Thursday, 4 March 2010


I don't quite know why I've slunk you all to the left. can perform the operation's a bit hit and miss
it's so damn narrow! you can almost say you're on, is it a good idea? well, there are better, but you'll eventually get "there"....
hunky dory, eh? Let me rub it out

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Is it coming in vertically?

Is it coming in vertically?
YES! LET ME GO FURTHER, YOU GUYS.....let's hammer the message home!
Student: It's all coming back
MDJ: *looking very pleased* I should hope it is....
it does it, and it does it WELL.
[MDJ enjoys]...doing the Maclaurin series